Sustainability and environment

Pentarch Agricultural understands the importance of environmentally responsible operations and all of its activities have been developed in a manner consistent with environmental best practice.

We treat our responsibility to provide clean and safe products at all times, through rigorous quality testing, including for the testing of plant diseases such as Annual Ryegrass toxicity and fumigating when necessary to ensure live insects and rodents are excluded from our products.

All of these activities are meticulously recorded in Foddersafe, the online chemical recording system for the Australian export hay industry.

All product from our Mallee Hay site is despatched on rail, so removing around 100,000 tonnes of freight off Victorian roads.

We are constantly looking for lower cost and more efficient systems of energy generation and leverage the energy innovations being developed by our sister company, Pentarch Forestry.

We work very closely with our growers in Victoria and Western Australia, to help them identify best management practices that lead to quality farm output in the most environmentally sustainable way.

Almost all of our products are grown in dryland farming systems.

Pentarch Agricultural understands the importance of its environmental responsibilities

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